Just a place for me to write whenever i feel like writing. Mainly about things and issues around me....and of course...my passions.

Friday 25 May 2012


Exam hamba sudah tamat yer tuan-tuan dan puan-puan......result kuor next Monday

Time to kemas blog yang dah penuh sawang....lalang sudah memanjang, lipas tikus semua ada dah. 

Masanya juga untuk start buat semua kerja yang dah tertangguh termasuk siapkan PM report (this is priority....boss...if u read this & later find me out of tract....please just spank me) dan siapkan order yang telah dijanjikan.....plus open new order InsyaAllah...

It is the time to execute certain plan like pergi belajar menjahit baju & follow up plan on "Pillow case for charity".....apalagi yer....???

Oh ya.....it is the time to put more attention on the boys n bapak boys n nenek boys n atuk boys.

Ya Allah.....guide me to the right path....
